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What My Toddler Eats In A Day…

Feeding my daughter Harley real organic food has been one of my highlights as a Mom. From the very start, I’ve had so much fun introducing as many vegetables as possible to Harley and teaching her about where her food comes from. We started a large vegetable garden when she was first born and now picking the vegetables is one of her favorite activities. We love to visit farms in the spring and fall to pick fresh produce and see farm animals. She definitely takes after my Mother and my husband – who both love to garden! And the obsession is serious – she bangs on the front windows of our home screaming to go outside and “pick matos!” from the large above ground wooden planters we have. Mato is her name for tomato at the moment šŸ™‚Ā 

I exclusively breastfed Harley for 6.5 months before introducing solid food (and still breastfeeding as she turns 21 months). Avocado was her first food and I continued with various vegetables before I exhausted the options and then introduced all the fruits, some meats, eggs, oats and quinoa. At the moment, she does not tolerate dairy too well but loves almond butter – so I plan to make her fresh almond milk one day soon.Ā 

Here’s what a typical day in the life looks like in terms of what Harley eats. Please note – she doesn’t always finish her plate, but this is what she starts with and what I offer her. Also – I usually serve the meal in courses, unless we are in a hurry to get somewhere or running late. And keep in mind, she still breastfeeds first thing in the morning, several times throughout the day, and before bed. I serve all of her meals with water.

Breakfast is always what we are eating, plus a few of her favorites. I love making steel cut oatsĀ in a crockpot overnight on low so it’s ready to roll first thing in the morning. She loves them and I love them.

We always pair it with some ground flaxseeds, cinnamon and fruit – her favorite is pomegranate seeds and blueberries. For her egg muffins, I follow this recipe but leave out the cheese. I also bake them in mini silicone cups (which prevents sticking and makes them easy to store in the freezer). I thaw them out in our toaster oven at 300 degrees for 6 minutes.

Pictured: Steel cut oats with pomegranateĀ seeds, 1/4 of a banana, and an egg muffin made with red peppers and onions.

Snack #1 is usually leftover breakfast. A lot of days, Harley is so full from nursing first thing in the morning, she will just eat a little of her breakfast. Instead of throwing away her food, we’ll offer it to her again as a snack and then usually thaw out one buckwheat pancake – I make a bunch and freeze them separated by parchment paper. I use this store-bought mix, but add an extra egg and add one mashed banana to the mixture instead of honey.Ā 

Lunch on this day wasĀ one steamed vegetable, some type of bean and her favorite pasta and some fruit. If she is still hungry, she’ll dig out of my salad bowl till she’s satisfied (I almost always have a salad for lunch these days, or I’ll offer her some avocado or almond butter (she eats it by the spoonful!)Ā 

Pictured: Steamed yellow squash and lima beans with grass-fed butter, and Tolerant elbow macaroni with Yellow Barn pasta sauce, and a side of grapes.

Snack 2#Ā happens after she wakes up from her nap. She likes to nurse and then have a mini zucchini muffin plus some fruit (watermelon balls are the current favorite). Harley also started eating rice crackers recently, and likes to dip those in almond butter. She loves organic dried fruit like goji berries and golden berries and will ask for most snacks by name and knows what she wants!

For DinnerĀ we always almost eat the exact same meal as Harley. On this day, I made wild salmon, quinoa, sautĆ©ed purple cabbage and sautĆ©ed kale in olive oil and she had some frozen peas, raspberries and pomegranate seeds for dessert.

Pictured: Wild salmon, quinoa, kale and purple cabbage

Here are some of the feeding tools I love:

What does your toddler eat?

I’d love to know! Please share a typical day in the comments below, not only am I always looking for more ideas, I know other parents would love to see what you do as well!




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62 responses to “What My Toddler Eats In A Day…

  1. Thank you so much for sharing! Iā€™m feeling really good about what I feed my 15 month old after reading this! She eats mostly organic because I only buy organic food. Most mornings she eats steel cut oats with cinnamon, nut milk, honey and fruit. If not oatmeal, than she eats oat and banana pancakes my mom makes from scratch. If not either of those, she eats a vans waffle with organic maple syrup and grassfed butter. She always gets fruit with that. For a snack she eats whole milk organic yogurt with fruit and honey. We donā€™t do the yogurt very often because it constipates her, but she really loves it. For lunch it varies. Sometimes itā€™s leftovers from the night before. For example, tomorrowā€™s lunch is deconstructed stuffed cabbage (organic grass fed ground beef, organic Napa cabbage, organic onions and garlic, organic tomato sauce, organic chicken broth over organic jasmine rice). Yesterdayā€™s lunch was skinny girl cheeseburgers in organic wraps. Sometimes we feed her organic turkey meatballs or regular meatballs with a veggie. We use 365 breadcrumbs since there isnā€™t any oils or preservatives in them. I try to always do a veggie and a carb and a lot of times I do beans. When we donā€™t know what to make her weā€™ll give her a half of a grilled cheese (raw organic cheddar on organic bread). She likes to eat sweet potato fries too. For dinner itā€™s usually always what we eat. I like to make stuffed peppers with quinoa and broccoli and cheese. I like cauliflower and mushroom tacos. I only eat organic corn taco shells. I will never buy non organic corn. Sometimes I like to just do roasted cauliflower, sautĆ©ed spinach with garlic and oil and polenta fries for dinner. I buy the tube of polenta and cut them into fries and bake them with onion powder and parsley. One of my favorite dinner meals is sautĆ©ed Swiss chard with garlic onions and grape tomatoes over quinoa or rice. I sprinkle raw imported Italian Parmesan cheese. I have been experimenting with my instant pot as well. We love split pea soup and lentil soup. Two very easy staples. I will say one snack Iā€™m not crazy about giving her, but it could be worse I guess, are the late July mini peanut butter crackers. She really likes those. Lastly, whenever I make my truvani protein shake, she always says yum yum and takes sips of it!!! Sorry for the long post. I got excited to share with you ā¤ļø.

    1. Thanks for sharing Rorie – Harley loves lentil soup too and roasted cauliflower is definitely one of her favorites!

      1. I would appreciate getting your protein shake recipe. I want to get back in the grove again! Thank you.

    2. Sounds like you are feeding her high quality, nutritious food! Kids do love it for sure. One note- if yogurt consripates her, I would watch for a dairy sensitivity overall. She may be able to ā€œtolerateā€ cheese and milk but other symptoms that show she may be dairy sensitive are: colic as a baby, ear infections, attention issues, moody after eating dairy, skin issues like eczema/ psoriasis.
      You may already be aware, but just in case.

      1. My kids still do not tolerate dairy – they are 11 & 13 now, I thought they would outgrow it. So I started giving them yogurt for breakfast (whole milk w/ added stevia & vanilla extract), but one had bad psoriasis and the other got blemishes all over the face. Once I cut out the yogurt, they were OK.

        One infant/toddler meal, that I still serve (b/c it’s still high in demand) is mashed up avocado mixed with mashed up salmon, brown rice and broccoli cut super small seasoned with a homemade seasoning mix with sea salt & nutritional yeast base + 10 other spices and a little olive oil. It’s mushy baby food, easy to feed and surprisingly, it is still one of their favorite meals!

  2. Thanks for the ideas. My daughters current favorite food is any type of veggies roasted in EVCO.

  3. Love your post!! I struggle with only feeding her foods she wonā€™t choke on itā€™s the same thing everyday. Also how do find the time? Iā€™m a working mother and I feel like Iā€™m always in a rush getting dinner done and feel bad if itā€™s not super healthy

    1. I agree with you! Being a working mother definitely doesnā€™t leave time for perfect dinners every time. My daughter is also 21 months and since I work all day, I only have about 2 hours when I get home from work before she goes to bed. I have started doing meal prep on Sundays and finding healthy meal plans online that I can use. I also am very disciplined in having my daughter eat what we eat and giving her her fruits and vegetables first before the main course so she can fill up on the healthy things! Even with all that, itā€™s not perfect and sometimes we are out of time and have to improvise or order something. We do the best we can!

      1. She is 16 months. Sheā€™s actually a great eater and loves fruits and veggies. I do try to prep as much as possible but we sure love a hot meal freshly made too. Just picked up your book canā€™t wait to read it!!! Love what youā€™re all about and it makes me so sad for my children and future America we canā€™t trust our own food industry

  4. My son just turned 6 months and has been exclusively breastfeeding. We started baby-lead weaning this weekend and he did really good but I was trying not to get too nervious when he gagged a couple times. We want to keep doing it but Iā€™m having a hard time thinking of green veggies that can be cut the size of a pinky like Iā€™ve read youā€™re suppose to do at first. So far we started with carrots and broccoli. Iā€™ll do avocado soon but all the other food that I see suggested online are sweet like beets and sweet potatoes and strawberries and bananas. I would love if you would share what veggies you started with and other tips for the baby lead weaning process!

    1. Just know that food before one is just for fun! Harley didn’t eat much at that age… she actually didn’t start eating real mini meals until about 10 months – so have fun and take a deep breath. And plan to eat what they don’t eat so you don’t waste all that good organic food šŸ™‚

      1. Thanks! Thatā€™s a relief! You know how you always have people talking in your ear about what you ā€œshouldā€ be doing… solids is one of those things for us. What are your thoughts on the mesh feeders for those vegetables that are harder for them to grab/chew at this age?

  5. Thank you for posting this! I’ve been waiting for some meal ideas for my 15 month old daughter. I feel that I feed her the same thing all the time, especially breakfast. I cant seem to find anything else other than eggs to feed her in the morning (omelette with organic cheddar and spinach is her favorite). For lunch, I’ll feed her a spinash, cheese quesadilla and sometimes I’ll add smashed pinto beans or she will have left overs from the night before chicken, quinoa (which she started to like again) and a veggie like carrots, green beans or peas. Same for dinner, is usually protein with veggies. Snacks are usually fruit, full fat yogurt or a smoothie (She loves my chocolate protein). I also just made a batch of your zucchini banana muffins yesterday for snacks! She loves them!

    1. Harley loves pinto beans too.. I’ll make a huge batch in the crockpot with onions and garlic and then portion it out in silicone molds and freeze! We take one portion out at a time.

  6. I commend you for taking the time and effort to be sure your child eats well. The only thing I would be concerned about is the silicone baking cups used and wonder if they could be toxic??!!

    1. Kate – the other option is parchment paper (unbleached) – but the eggs sometimes stick to them. Also I find the silicone baking cups is a better option than the teflon or aluminum coated muffin pans.

  7. Vani- I would love to know what ( if any) vitamins/supplements you give your daughter?
    My 3 grandchildren have colds already and Iā€™d love to get their little bodies ready for the winter! They already eat very healthy- many of the foods you feed Harley:)
    Thanks !!

    1. Yes, agreed. My daughter turned one and I am looking for a vitamin for her to take. Also she is weening from formula, unfortunately she stopped breast-feeding about 10.5 months. I’m looking for the best dairy (no cows milk) to give her. Thank you!

  8. This will make such a difference in her health and lifelong (hopefully) food habits. I have a granddaughter who is 8. Her Mom was working on an organic farm and used to bring home the most wonderful produce! I would make her baby food from that. The girl has the constitution of an ox, she rarely gets sick and when she does, it’s mild and short lived. She still will eat a variety of foods, doesn’t care for sweets. I have a grandson on the other hand who was fed fast food and sodas, sweets from early on. He is 4 now and is constantly sick. runny nose and rattly cough. He’s small for his age. He’s very picky and it’s hard to get him to eat healthy foods. Sad.

  9. It’s a simple fact of life that when you feed your children healthy whole foods from day one that is what they will eat for the rest of their lives.

  10. My daughter is 14 months old this month, and eating like a champ. My husband and I eat oatmeal with bananas and chia seeds for breakfast, so I just make about half a cup extra for her. I usually give her some finger fruits – grapes, tangerines, etc. while I set the table. She has a morning snack of leftover oats or fruit before her nap. Lunch is typically some kind of starch – white potato, sweet potato, corn, brown rice, or peas, with tomatoes or cucumber, and fruit. After her second nap she and I have a smoothie with frozen banana, natural peanut butter, almond milk, chia seeds, spinach, and cocoa powder. Itā€™s our afternoon treat and she loves it! Dinners are similar to lunch. My husband and I always have a healthy starch, salad and vegetable, so she eats whatever we are having. She drinks water at meals, though I can never get her to drink as much as I think she should. And she still nurses 2-4 times a day, but is gradually weaning. I havenā€™t given her dairy because she didnā€™t do well with it whenever I ate it while breast feeding, and I plan to wait on giving her meat and eggs until after she turns two. We still have new foods to introduce to her, like beans, quinoa, and a few vegetables, but so far she eats everything well. Very thankful!

  11. Thank you for this post, I love reading ideas like this for my toddler. My 13 month old eats pretty much what we eat, and lots of it. Haha, he loves to eat! šŸ™‚ He is still breastfeeding in the morning, but I am in the process of slowly weaning. He does not tolerate cow’s milk very well, so we give him plain cashew or almond milk (homemade or a brand that does not contain sugar or other additives we don’t like to use) once a day and otherwise he drinks water. He loves all fresh fruits, dried fruits, nuts and seeds, applesauce or other pureed fruit, most veggies, whole grains (bread, crackers, pasta, rice), meat, eggs, yogurt (he loves Kite Hill almond yogurt). He likes string cheese, and that amount of dairy doesn’t seem to bother him like drinking milk did. We like to keep Larabars and That’s It bars, as well as golden raisins, on hand to throw in the diaper bag for on the go snacks. I honestly haven’t come across much that he will refuse!

  12. Thanks so much for sharing this, Vani! Love your versions of “fast food” i.e. the pancakes and muffins you make ahead of time. Need to go make these right now… šŸ™‚

  13. Great job, mom!!
    I was surprised to read that you gave her any dairy at all. We both know none needed. Your already feeding her the healthy fats for her brain and that absolutely perfect breast milk!

  14. I love this! My 23 month old still nurses frequently throughout the day also. He eats anything i feed him. Some of his favorites are frozen wild blueberries, raspberries, mulligatawny soup, salmon, saurkraut, pickles, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli with butter and sea salt, eggs and smoothies. ā¤

  15. This is the only way to do it. You have to start out feeding your kids this way and keeping them away from the junk so that this is all they know. I think that’s a huge problem with kids today is they don’t start out eating this way so they in turn just never do. I was raised on processed food and junk and became addicted very young. I ended up with a Multiple Sclerosis (amongst other things, thyroid, neuropathy, adrenals, heavy metals, fatty liver etc) diagnosis and being told I’d be in a wheelchair in 2 years back in 2012. According to my healing mentor (Medical Medium) these are all the things that end up giving you a Cancer diagnosis. I turned my life around with food. I have some rather permanent nerve damage in my legs, but otherwise, I have defied what the Doctors told me and I am not in a wheelchair. I don’t have kids of my own, but I have a lot of kids in my life. I watch my friends struggling because they literally will only eat comfort food, junk and snacks. The kids will starve themselves to death before they will eat anything but crap. Trying to force them at 8 years old or later to eat their veggies etc just doesn’t seem to work. I really think the only thing that does work is when you start your child off like this. I have another friend who did this with her daughter. I always loved seeing her photos of her kid at 2 years old drinking green juices. Kudos to you for showing the Moms out there that it can be done!

  16. Thank you for sharing. I am a licensed home day care provider. I care for the babies of teacher friends of mine. I am considering providing meals, rather than have parents send them. My goal is to make mornings easier for the parents and provide healthy, non-processed, organic meals and snacks. I think parents find it difficult to have heathy food on hand to pack for the day, every day. I care for 18-month old twins, a 3year old and a 4 month old (who is currently still breast fed). All of these meals seem like I could make in batches…enough for the 3 older babies…and make somewhat ahead. I welcome any suggestions…lol!

  17. First off thank you moms for feeding your kids the ā€œrightā€ way! I work 2 jobs and always make time to prepare meals snacks. Smoothies are a fav- swiss chard spinach kale fennel fruits avocados! Pumpkin seeds are a huge hit and mounds of protein! Its really hard for me to see such young kids drinking soda and eating candy cookies chips all day. I dont get why parents even buy these things at the store and continually buy it over and over! Its not hard to prepare quinoa amaranth brown rice pasta to have for days in fridge. Green smoothies can be kept in fridge too for snacks. Pumpkin and carrot soupā€”easyyy!

  18. My oldest will be 4 in less than 4 weeks and my youngest is 22 mos. I breastfed my first until 2.5 yrs and am still breastfeeding my youngest. We also did BLW. I make all of our meals with organic ingredients and only buy whole grains. Working full time, time is minimal, so I’ve always said they eat what we eat. Luckily we are able to have a nanny and my husband works out of our home, so they still have all those comforts. Breakfast is usually rolled oats with honey or fruit or eggs and potatoes or toast. Lunch is usually dinner leftovers, PB&J with fruit or veg on the side, homemade mac n cheese, or grilled cheese with hummus and fruits or veggies. Dinner is almost always Paleo/Whole 30. For immune support I make elderberry syrup and give it to them as often as I remember and keep bone broth available for quick soups when needed. My children have very rarely been sick and always impress the pediatrician when we visit.

  19. What an incredible post! Thank you for sharing. As a working mom, I find it extremely difficult to make time for breast-feeding. Pumping is a hassle. I cannot imagine doing this for more than six months. How do you handle this, food babe? Do you have any tips you can share with us?

    1. For me, breastfeeding doesn’t involve pumping since I work from home and I’m at home with my daughter and also take her on business trips with me. I feel for you working moms out there that have to pump to keep feeding your babes! Sorry I don’t have more advice or tips on this.

  20. We did Baby Led Weaning, so my LO has been eating mostly what we eat for the last 7 months. Breakfast rotates between mini egg muffins w/ veggies, pumpkin pancakes with almond butter, raspberry/pecan waffles w/ peanut butter and oatmeal w/ coconut oil, cinnamon and fruit. Snacks are most often homemade mini muffins with no added sugar or oat/nut butter ā€˜cookiesā€™ which can be made in bulk, frozen and pulled out for a quick snack. Lunch is generally leftovers (currently my LO is obsessed with butternut squash) and dinners are a variety of things as I really enjoy trying new recipes and flavors. My LO canā€™t handle dairy currently so everything is dairy free and we rarely do gluten, using oat or almond flour for most recipes.

  21. Thanks for sharing Vani, please so more šŸ™‚

    My 18 month old loves food and like yourself eat organic and home grown as much as we can.
    He loves everything from sweet potatoes to pineapple, oats, dates. Thanks also for sharing the items you use as well. I do struggle to find non toxic item (no lead, plastics, ceramics toxins) when it comes to baby products.

    Thanks again for all your hard work. Keep it up šŸ™‚

  22. This is so impressive! Iā€™ve gotten my 17 month old eating really well and she loves healthy foods. She wants anything she sees me eating mostly. My 3 yo is a different story. She hardly eats anything! I can get her to eat an apple and a hard boiled egg and sometimes that the only thing she eats all day! Maybe a handful of Trader Joeā€™s animal crackers. I love reading what other little ones are eating.

  23. Hi Vani,

    I have been an ardent follower to your blog. Thanks for sharing what your toddler eats in a day. I I have been giving organic steel cut oats as a breakfast at my home as well. But with the recent news on glyphosate weed killer levels found even in organic oats, I have been skeptical on giving oats. Can you share your thoughts on this please?

  24. I have 2 girls both doing extended bf one 2 and still going the other 3. Both picky eaters! Breakfast- homemade pancakes with Chia seeds, protein green grass or Olly smoothies, eggs with organic American cheese scrabble, toast, cereals lunch- organic bacon, lentils, Black beans cooked in olive oil with sea salt, nuggets, broccoli, cottage cheese- snacks- cheese sticks dried fruits or any fruits, nuts dinners- pastas homemade organic chicken tenders lots of baked kale or cauliflower pretty much anything healthy but I tried to give them everything from each food group

  25. I nursed My little man for 26 months. He self weened, and just in timbe because I was pregnant Again. He was exclusively BF for 11 months. Then we began with slippery elm gruel for one month. Then the next month added chia seeds and water for a meal and alternated with slippery elm. Then the next month we began fruits, and so on. Each meal in the beginning we only did one food at a time. (Great way to find out allergies.) so for example: breakfast, slippery elm gruel, lunch: banana, dinner: chia. Once he got bigger, then we just had him eat what we eat. We donā€™t do meat or dairy, or refined sugars. We eat while foods, and make as much food at home with properly prepared grains, and natural yeast. Now I have A 2 month old baby girl, and so excited for her little journey. We are exclusively nursing, and no pumping either.

  26. Hi and been following you for a year or 2. I question the use of silicone for (cooking), and Hate the smell of Fa__B_ze and other fragrances in stores, cardboard clothes etc.,,, How can you find silicone that is not tainted with those nasty smells? .. I am aware of Coatings on pans and muffin tins.. bpa Teflon cerastone etc..

    Although I have purchased many may pans and tins.. My test is tp bake the pan or tin or etc.. at 300 or so degrees, if it has any smell, it is out of here. If there is no smell, I’m hoping it is ok for use in Cold or freezing , not as much off gassing, especially Ceramic(original) and Porcelain it is Minimal compared to a Zip Type bag. or other plastic products. to me Silicone and Parchment are Questionable for any Food, I say NAY!
    Its easy, Its cheap, but! good health doesn’t come that easy, or cheep!
    Have you ever thought of creating a fragrance free Food store chain.. . Keep up the good work!

  27. If we can, we try to eat out of our garden seasonally. We have squashes and peppers coming in still. We buy or grow, raise organic too. Mondays is chicken. I bake thighs in garlic, butter, lemon and rosemary. Its one of our favorites. I usually make rice and asparagus with it. It makes enough to get 2 dinners. I like leftovers. The butter and herb sauce is yummy in the rice. The next day i can use the leftovers by making soup! I add bone broth to it and if i have carrots, celery and onion on hand then in it goes too! Delish. I made this for my 4 yr olds birthday party along with chili and fresh homemade bread and it was a big hit. Everyone raved about it. I was shocked because most parties serve pizza not soup!

    Sometimes for lunch we will do kefir or yogurt. sometimes it’s homemade if i have enough farm fresh milk or i get the greek plain and add our own homemade preserves to it. We have wild blackberries that grow abundantly so its all we can pick. The most helpful thing i add to our yogurt is flaxseed oil. Depending on what my childrens needs are i will add DE diatomaceous earth or calcium or elderberry syrup or bee pollen. Its a great way to get the nutrition in them in an enjoyable way without compromising.

    We too have oatmeal every morning mostly. At least 5 days a week. With fresh eggs. We will make gluten free banana pancakes or muffins or i will put it in a bunt pan with sunflower seeds as a pretty decor! Snacks are usually fruit. If we are traveling its a GF almond bar or crackers.

  28. My baby just turned twelve months. He loves food! In the morning he eats oatmeal with chia seeds and fruit (usually a banana) in it. If he doesnā€™t have oatmeal then he has scrambled eggs (we raise chickens!). Mid morning he shares a smoothie with his mama (I do spinach/kale with berries usually). He loves smoothies and whines for them! At lunch he usually eats whole grain pasta and a vegetable and fruit. He is not big into meats but he has tried several. Supper is whatever we have as a family but I do prepare very healthy and nutritious meals! His favorites include sweet potatoes, bananas, and smoothies of course. He also cleans out my salad bowl like yours Vani!

  29. Can you give us your crockpot oatmeal recipe? Everytime I make it the oatmeal comes out too dry or too wet. Thanks for the tips for toddlers!

  30. Hi!
    Great post, but despite BLW and offering my child everything we eat since six months, he has always been a super picky eater.
    Now he’s just over 2 and still breastfeeds quite a bit, but i still struggle to get him to eat what i would consider enough variety.
    As a foodie and someone concerned about healthy eating, this is a constant source of frustration and worry.
    Any suggestions other than just keep offering?

  31. After weaning your children if you still want dairy in their diet – try raw goats milk (I buy from a local very small dairy). I was not breastfed so this is the closest thing my body has ever had to what nature intended. And my body is responding well! My gut is better and Iā€™ve gained a few pounds which I needed! Only wish Iā€™d known about raw goats milk after weaning MY children…So much nutrition. Wishing all you parents well. So good to see parents concerned about what their children eat!!!

  32. Hi Vani and all moms: 6/2/2019.
    I really need help. My daughter is 22 months old. We switched to whole milk slowly after 13 to 14 months. Then for last 2 to 3 months she drinks whole milk. She had ear infection once around a month ago.
    We started giving her milkshake because she does not want to drink milk. I make milkshake with milk + banana + peanut butter + cardamom + dates. She finishes thefull cup of milkshake within an hour or 1.5 hours.
    But today: she vomited all after 4 hours of drinking the milkshake. There was lot of mucous came out with that. She has fever now. And I am taking pediatrician s help.
    I got so worried.
    But do you think that milk can cause this mucous? Is she allergic to whole milk?
    Can you share some thoughts?
    Thank you much.

  33. I was wondering if you were still breastfeeding? What kind of milk are you offering Harley now that she is older?


  34. I believe that pasteurized and homogenized milk should be avoided as much as possible and I only give my 11 mo old baby breastmilk (even though Iā€™ve had a low supply), raw goat or cow milk, or goat milk formula.

    Typical day we had:
    Homemade popsicle (from a smoothie i made earlier in the week. Today was papaya, blueberry, coconut milk, banana, and lots of hemp seeds).
    Sweet potatoes purƩe with gassfed butter (made earlier in the week and added to various meals throughout the day)
    Blackberries cut in half so she could feed herself

    For lunch we are having:
    Homemade chicken soup. I make something like this once a week. I cooked whole chicken on stove for 24 hours. I pull out tiny pieces of chicken and carrots for her to self feed and then give her broth to drink from a cup

    Gluten-free zucchini mini muffins (almond and coconut flour) w grass-fed butter
    Steamed raw milk

    She has whatever we are having. I will sometimes supplement with a purĆ©e Iā€™ve frozen because itā€™s easier to eat . I warm it up in the oven as I make our dinner. Last night she has sautĆ©ed zucchini w garlic and chicken

    Iā€™ve been following the rule of not giving babies grains until after a year and occasionally let her try some if we are all eating it but steer away as the meal.

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